New diagnostic criteria for abnormal muscle syndrome confused with herniated disc

Mar 15, 2025

New diagnostic criteria for abnormal muscle syndrome confused with herniated disc
External muscle cross-sectional MRI photo

The objective new diagnostic criteria for 「Piriformis Syndrome" with symptoms such as hip pain and numbness were presented by domestic medical staff.

Catholic Kwandong University International St. Mary's Hospital recently announced that a research team led by Professor Kim Young-wook of the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine has published a research paper suggesting objective new diagnostic criteria for abnormal muscle syndrome.

Abnormal muscle syndrome is a condition in which abnormal muscles, located in the hip joint, are abnormally tense or swollen, and symptoms such as pain and numbness are caused by stimulating or compressing the sciatic nerve immediately below.

In order to diagnose the disease, doctors previously checked the pain pattern, posture, and gait, and performed pressure tests or movement tests in the hip joint.

Professor Kim Young-wook explained the background of the study, "However, there were differences in diagnostic criteria for abnormal muscle syndrome among medical staff, and sometimes it was confused with the herniated disk, so I felt the need for objective diagnostic criteria."

Professor Kim cited abnormal muscle cross-sectional area as a new diagnostic criterion for abnormal muscle syndrome based on abnormal muscle cross-sectional area in hip magnetic resonance imaging (Diagnosis of piriformis muscle cross-sectional area on hip MRI).

Professor Kim compared and analyzed the cross-sectional area of abnormal muscles between patients with abnormal muscle syndrome and normal people in this study. As a result of the study, the average cross-sectional area of the abnormal muscle of patients with abnormal muscle syndrome was 172.52 ㎟ wider than that of normal people. This was consistent with the results that inflammation and swelling occur due to muscle tension and damage of the abnormal muscle, resulting in abnormal expansion of the abnormal muscle.

In addition, the research team suggested a reference point for the diagnosis that abnormal muscle syndrome should be suspected if the cross-sectional area of the abnormal muscle is wider than 611.67 ㎟ through the analysis. The sensitivity and specificity of the results of this study were measured at 75% each, proving to be significant as diagnostic indicators.

Professor Kim Young-wook "This research paper is meaningful in that it has established accurate and objective diagnostic criteria for diagnosing abnormal muscle syndrome. We hope that this result can be useful in clinical settings."

Meanwhile, the study was published in the March issue of Medicine, an international SCI journal.

New diagnostic criteria for abnormal muscle syndrome confused with herniated disc
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.