Periodic Disease Warning during the In-between Seasons...Once it's done, it's hard to recover completely

Mar 09, 2025

Periodic Disease Warning during the In-between Seasons...Once it's done, it's hard to recover completely
data photo source=Pixabay

In the change of seasons when winter is gone and spring comes, immunity is likely to decline due to rapid temperature changes.

During the change of seasons, dry weather can cause frequent dry mouth and active bacterial proliferation, which can increase the risk of oral diseases such as gum disease, bad breath, and cavities.

Periodontal disease is a disease in which the gums, periodontal ligaments, and alveolar bones that support teeth are damaged by inflammation. Initially, gingivitis symptoms occur only in the gums, but if left without proper treatment, it can progress to periodontitis, which spreads inflammation to the alveolar bone. In particular, the incidence rate is high among those in their 40s and older, and in recent years, it is also increasing among young people due to stress, smoking, and wrong eating habits.

The main symptoms include swelling and redness of the gums, bleeding of the gums, persistent bad breath, tooth aches, gum atrophy, tooth shaking, and pain or discomfort when eating food. In particular, early detection and treatment are very important because symptoms appear and disappear in the early stages and gradually progress severely.

Moon Mi-ri, the head of the dental department at Centum General Hospital, emphasized, "Duration disease is a chronic disease that is difficult to fully recover once it progresses, so prevention and early detection are of paramount importance." "If detected early through regular checkups, it can be managed with relatively simple treatment."

Treatment of periodontal disease is carried out step by step. Early gingivitis can be treated with proper brushing and regular scaling. Scaling is a basic way to prevent and treat periodontal diseases by removing plaque and tartar on the surface of a tooth. In particular, adults over the age of 19 can receive scaling covered by health insurance once a year, reducing the economic burden.

In the case of periodontal inflammation with more than severe progression, professional treatment such as periodontal valve surgery, alveolar bone regeneration, and gingival mucosal surgery may be required. In particular, if the alveolar bone is damaged, treatment is performed to induce new bone production through artificial or autologous bone transplantation. Recently, non-invasive treatments using lasers or advanced equipment have also been introduced to minimize patient pain and recovery periods.

Proper oral care is essential for preventing periodontal diseases. It is recommended to brush your teeth three times a day within 3 minutes after eating, especially before bedtime. In addition, it is important to thoroughly manage between teeth by using dental floss and interdental toothbrushes, and to quit smoking and maintain a balanced diet.

Periodic Disease Warning during the In-between Seasons...Once it's done, it's hard to recover completely
Director Moon Mi-ri in Treatment

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.