A special game committee launched by the Democratic Party of Korea, what policies will it pursue?

Mar 09, 2025

A special game committee launched by the Democratic Party of Korea, what policies will it pursue?
Democratic Party Chairman Lee Jae-myung expresses his experience and opinion on the game industry at the launch ceremony of the Democratic Party's special committee on games held at the National Assembly Hall on the 7th. Photo courtesy = Rep. Kang Yoo-jung's office

A special game committee launched by the Democratic Party of Korea, what policies will it pursue?
At the inauguration ceremony of the Special Game Committee held at the National Assembly Hall on the 7th, Vice-Chairmen of the Special Committee, including Professor Kim Jeong-tae of Dongyang University, Lee Jang-ju, Director of the Lee Rak Digital Culture Research Institute, and PS Analytics CSO Han Seung-yong (from left) hold up the board explaining the special committee's policy plan. Photo courtesy = Rep. Kang Yoo-jung's office
National Assembly-level support measures for the promotion of the game and e-sports industries have been released for the first time in a long time.

The Democratic Party of Korea held a launching ceremony for the Special Committee on Games (hereinafter referred to as the Special Committee on Games) at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido, Seoul, on the 7th and announced policies focusing on revitalizing the industry, revitalizing the ecosystem, and easing classification regulations. In particular, although it is not yet a formal party platform, it also presented a vision to create a competent promotion agency by integrating games and e-sports, drawing attention.

In a situation where men in their 20s and 30s lack support compared to the ruling party, they are targeting young voters by presenting legislative promotion measures centered on games and e-sports. Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea, also attended the meeting and showed his enthusiasm. If the presidential impeachment is cited in the Constitutional Court, the presidential election can be held immediately, and attention is being paid to whether the ruling party and other parties will continue to take similar steps to appeal to young voters in the future as large opposition parties are presenting various promotion measures.

Rep. Kang Yoo-jung of the Democratic Party of Korea and Hwang Hee-doo, director of the Roh Moo-hyun Foundation (former Starcraft pro gamer), will participate in the special game committee as co-chairmen. It will also consist of five vice chairmen, including Cho Seung-rae, chief spokesman of the same party, Han Seung-yong, CSO (PS Analytics), Lee Jae-sung, chairman of the Busan City Party (former NCsoft executive), Kim Jung-tae, a professor at Dongyang University, and Lee Jang-joo, director of the Lee Rak Digital Culture Research Institute, 20 members composed of lawmakers and private experts, and 35 private advisors.

CEO Lee Jae-myung, who attended the event, introduced his experience of meeting with game industry officials when he was mayor of Seongnam and said, `We will enable the game industry to develop toward the global stage and change the negative perception of games.'

At the second part of the event, the "Democratic Party of Korea Plan G.A.M.E" was announced. First of all, the Game Special Committee proposed special committee-level solutions such as preparing rational alternatives based on scientific grounds and revising statistical laws to prevent the WHO-led registration of domestic disease codes. In order to create a sustainable e-sports ecosystem, it will support overseas market development, revitalize local e-sports, expand it as a living sport, and prepare support measures for office workers and seniors.

It also unveiled five innovation strategies, such as promoting the complete transfer of the game rating system to the private sector, establishing a reasonable follow-up management system, providing comprehensive support from startups to mid-sized game companies through the establishment of the Industrial Promotion Agency, a control tower for games and e-sports, and strengthening infrastructure and technology-based support in addition to finance.

Kang Yoo-jung, chairman of the special committee on games, said, `We are considering whether support or deregulation is needed along with policies to boost morale in future industries, and whether administrative procedures are needed to ease"We will push for how to protect the rights of consumers as well as game developers" he said.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.