What's wrong with my kid's eyes…What are the diagnosis and treatment for strabismus?

Mar 18, 2025

What's wrong with my kid's eyes…What are the diagnosis and treatment for strabismus?
data photo source=Pixabay

Generally, a person's two eyes move in the same direction. However, it often happens that the gaze at the object is different, which is the perspective (斜視). When one eye looks forward, the other eye turns inward or outward, or up or down. The eyes may always be turned, but sometimes the eyes that went back look at the front at some point, and the eyes that looked at the front turn.

Sashimi is mainly found in children. It is often found by parents. When the angle of the pupil is large, it can be recognized quickly, but when the angle is small or intermittent, even parents may not know it well and pass it.

Sasa appears in various ways from immediately after birth to adolescence. If the child does not make direct eye contact or has a sharp decline in vision, he or she may suspect a strabismus. You should also suspect when your child is looking at things, looking sideways, tilting his or her head to one side, watching TV closely, or blinking his or her eyes frequently. If your child cannot look directly into the sun or closes one eye and rubs his or her eyes frequently, it is recommended to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Lim Hye-bin, an ophthalmologist at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, warned, `Unlike growing eyes, vision and vision are completed before the age of 6 to 7, so early detection of eye diseases is more important than anything else.'

◇ As the use of smartphones increases, an environment for the expression and deepening of strabismus is created 'Caution'

The cause of is the problem or imbalance of the external eye muscle itself, the muscle that moves the eyes, but in most cases the cause is unknown. So far, the causes known include △fractive abnormalities △ venous cataract △ eye diseases such as retinal abnormalities △ trauma △ brain diseases such as cerebral palsy △ family history.

The perspective is divided into internal oblique where the eye is skewed inward (center), external oblique where the eye is skewed outward (left and right), upward oblique, and downward oblique. In the case of the West, the frequency of internal perspective is high, while the most common perspective in the East, including Korea, is 'intermittent external perspective'. Intermittent exotropia is usually normal, such as looking at objects close by, but it is characterized by △ looking far away, △ feeling sleepy or tired, △ getting angry, △ sick from a cold, △ staring blankly.

In infants, 'infant endometriosis' refers to innate endometriosis that occurs within 6 months of birth. It is characterized in that the pupils are concentrated inward, and one or both may be concentrated. At this time, if the strabismus is not properly treated, both eyes may not be focused in the future, and 'dimensionality' may not be formed. Stereoscopic vision refers to the feeling of perspective or three-dimensionality while both eyes look at one object. Stereotypes are formed around 6 months of age and are completed before 24 months at the latest. Therefore, it is usually recommended to perform surgery 6 to 18 months before the age of infants.

Professor Lim Hye-bin said "With the recent increase in the use of smartphones, children with potential strabismus are becoming an environment where they can appear or worsen with the naked eye."It is necessary to properly control children's use of smartphones or video media" he said.

◇Try wearing glasses in the beginning, and consider surgical treatment in severe cases

Various ophthalmic tests are required to diagnose history. △ Eye Examination △ Refractive Examination △ Angle Examination △ Eye (眼) Motion Function Test △ Sensory Function Test △ Microlamp Microscopy △ Eye Examination △ Eye Examination to identify structural and functional abnormalities of the eyes.

In the early stages with a small angle of strabismus, non-surgical treatments such as wearing glasses and covering both eyes can be tried first, but in cases where the angle of strabismus is wide and severe, surgical treatment is performed to correct the position of the eye muscles by changing the position of the outer eye muscles. If the strabismus is not treated quickly, it can develop into amblyopia (弱視), which does not show good correction vision.

Professor Lim Hye-bin said, "Surgical treatment may be completed at once, but there are cases where it is done more than two to three times due to the high recurrence rate." and added, "It is important to undergo regular examinations for about five years after surgery."

Professor Lim Hye-bin also said, `As the cause of childhood living is not clear, there is no special prevention method. However, if it is detected early through infant screening or careful observation by parents and treated appropriately, it can be recovered with normal eyes enough,' he advised.

What's wrong with my kid's eyes…What are the diagnosis and treatment for strabismus?
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.