Yonsei University's largest research paper on robotic surgery in the world...196 episodes announced in 10 years

Mar 20, 2025

Yonsei University's largest research paper on robotic surgery in the world...196 episodes announced in 10 years
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Yonsei University has been one of the most published research papers on robotic surgery in the world.

The international journal 『Journal of Robot Surgery』 recently announced that Yonsei University in Korea has published 196 research papers related to robotic surgery over the past decade, the most in the world.

The study investigated the number of citations of 9,432 robotic surgery studies listed in the 2014-2023 academic paper data 'Web of Science'. Yonsei University has the largest number of studies with 196, and citations of papers are also at the top with 3,635.

Ham Won-sik, director of the Robot Endoscopic Surgery Center at Severance Hospital, said "Yeonse Medical Center Severance Hospital stands out in the clinical field, recording the first 40,000 robotic surgeries at a single medical institution in 2023"There is a virtuous cycle structure in which excellent clinical performance leads to research performance" he said.

Yonsei University Medical Center has performed 55,047 robotic surgeries so far since it began its first robotic surgery in Korea at Severance Hospital in 2005. A total of 15 surgical robots are owned by affiliated organizations such as Sinchon, Gangnam, and Yongin. Until now, various clinical trials such as urology, thyroid endocrine surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, otolaryngology, colorectal anastomosis, obstetrics and gynecology, hepatopancreatic surgery, thoracic surgery, and breast surgery have been performed using robots.

In addition, new techniques are introduced or developed to expand the area and utilization plan of robotic surgery. Thyroid Endocrine Surgery has devised a surgical method that can be incised along natural wrinkles in the armpit by reducing the incision length using Da Vinci SP (Single Port), which combines four robotic arms into one port. Otolaryngology is also developing and utilizing oral surgery to operate laryngeal cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer by oral robot arms.

Based on these achievements, Yonsei Medical Center established the first 'Robot Surgery Training Center' in 2008 at Severance Hospital to deliver robotic surgery to many domestic and foreign medical staff. In 2021, it was designated as the world's first 'SP Robot Surgery Training Center' by Intuitive, the world's largest robotic surgery company.

Yonsei University's largest research paper on robotic surgery in the world...196 episodes announced in 10 years

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.