39-year-old rose and sour? Youngsoo, who said, "The younger the better," is silent and the mood is cold
Mar 21, 2025
In the 105th episode of the ENA·SBS Plus entertainment show `I am SOLO, then love continues', which was aired on the 20th, the "Gold Single" and the "Dolsing" who desperately want to get married faced off each other once, and the "Golsing Special" who had the pain of divorce once were depicted.
From the choice of first impression, all votes continued. Most of the male performers chose roses, and most of the women expressed their affection for Kyung-soo, who was a baseball player. In particular, roses received attention as they were chosen by the third leader. However, the self-introduction time changed the atmosphere by 180 degrees.
The younger, the better, the better, said the 44-year-old third-term oriental doctor leader, who made clear his taste in appearance, and his attitude toward the 39-year-old dolsing rose with a child has gradually changed. Rose opened her heart sincerely by confessing the details of the divorce and the reality of not being able to raise her son, but the third-term leader only ate ramen without any response and remained consistent with a reaction of 'thumbs up'.
Rose continued to try to talk and even shared a list of her famous restaurants, but Young-soo never spoke to her. The MCs who watched this pointed out the chilly atmosphere, saying, "That's just 'Ahn-gung', 'Rose must have felt it as well".
In the end, Rose says in the interview, "The person I choose doesn't even make eye contact with me. I wondered what it was. I need to find someone else" and did not hide his disappointment. On the other hand, the 10th and 22nd Youngsik, who received 0 votes, succeeded in winning the favor of women with their sincere self-introduction.
The cast's superficial choices and actual emotional lines are mixed, and the direction of the 'Nasol Four Seasons' Goalsing special is falling into chaos. In particular, the changed mind of roses and the results of the late-night date choice are predicted, raising expectations for the next episode.