The disgusting truth hidden in the death of my infidelity husband.."There's a reason why you didn't complain." (Tambi)

Mar 24, 2025

The disgusting truth hidden in the death of my infidelity husband..'There's a reason why you didn't complain.' (Tambi)

The disgusting truth hidden in the death of my infidelity husband..'There's a reason why you didn't complain.' (Tambi)
You didn't sue even though you knew about the affair? The disgusting truth hidden in the death of an affair husband is revealed.

Kim Hyo-jin, who boasts a married couple's gold seal as a natural pregnancy at the age of 45, will take the mound in Channel A's life-oriented detective true-life drama 「Detectives' Trade Secret」. He, who is good, experiences the fear of the world with the appearance of the "Devil's End King" in the story.

Comedian Kim Hyo-jin, who rose to the status of an icon of old age, will appear in the true-life detective drama 'Channel A Detectives' Trade Secrets' which will be broadcast on the 24th (today). Defconn asked "What was your reaction to having a second child?" and Kim Hyo-jin asked "At the age of 45, a spontaneous pregnancy, so did you get to that age?"' is a natural reaction, but people around me love you so much at the age of 45?It was a response of '." 'Yu-nam' Kim Poong-do '"Geum-seul is no joke" he exclaimed. Kim Hyo-jin "I'm trying to have a good gold medal. Love is about nurturing. Everyone, try constantly," he said, claiming to be the `Geumseul PR fairy.' Defconn 'Solo man'"If you only marry like Kim Hyo-jin, 'Tambi' should be abolished. It shows the cornerstone of the Hundred Years' Sea."

Meanwhile, in the real-life reconstruction section 'Case Notebook-Crime and Punishment', a man who cheated on a fellow teacher at school from the beginning appeared. In addition, the merchant who encounters the wife who is trying to deliver the lunch box to her husband can rather share " right?" and the wife tried to pretend not to know even though she knew of her husband's affair.

The detectives said "How long has your relationship been?"I asked my wife, and she knew. It must have been about six months. The reason I didn't file a complaint was because my husband died" he said.

In the spicy affair that appeared from the beginning, Kim Hyo-jin expected a reversal of the relationship, saying, `Isn't it because there is a thorough plan to punish him?' As the development unfolded, Defconn X Yuinna X Kimpung "There were the greatest demons of all time to this day...It's the end of the game."