Seo Jang-hoon, a 16-year-old Korean 女 ♥ He's not good enough to talk about his Turkiye. (Ask him)

Mar 18, 2025

 Seo Jang-hoon, a 16-year-old Korean 女 ♥ He's not good enough to talk about his Turkiye. (Ask him)
Photo source=KBS Joy

Ask me anything' Seo Jang-hoon expressed his anger at the story of a couple who are 16 years older than him in an international relationship.

In the 308th episode of 「Ask Anything」, which aired on the 17th, a writer in her 40s appeared who was worried about gossip from acquaintances around her after having a boyfriend who was 16 years younger than her Turkiye.

The storyteller, who raises two children after his divorce four years ago, met his boyfriend on an app that he started to get information on travel to Turkiye. At first, he treated him only as a younger brother because there was a big age difference "This is a crime if we date at our age," but his boyfriend said "Let's commit a crime together" and eventually started dating.

When Seo Jang-hoon asked his boyfriend, who speaks Korean fluently, "Where did you learn Korean?" the boyfriend said "I've never been to Korea, but I've improved my Korean skills while talking to the sender " As expected, language skills are love," he said, drawing everyone's admiration.

In addition, the sender said, "When I cried because I missed my boyfriend during a video call, he immediately made a passport and came to Korea and stayed with me for three months. After that, to come back to Korea, I worked 16 hours a day in areas affected by the recent earthquake in Turkiye, and paid for expenses."

 Seo Jang-hoon, a 16-year-old Korean 女 ♥ He's not good enough to talk about his Turkiye. (Ask him)
Photo source=KBS Joy
When Lee Soo-geun asked if he had introduced him to his friend, the sender said that he had already met him, and that his friend asked his boyfriend "Why do you like him?" Lee Soo-geun laughed and tried to pass it over, saying, `I guess I'm crazy jealous,' but the writer surprised Lee Soo-geun by revealing that there are many acquaintances who are distant from this.

When Seo Jang-hoon asked why he was distant, the writer said, "After I met my boyfriend, my acquaintances raised Anna well. What kind of relationship is this?", "Look at that because you're so into guys."There's a girl in the Turkiye.", "I'll go back when I get my visa.", He said he made gossip such as "'Lose weight' and 'Get plastic surgery'. One acquaintance even reported his boyfriend as an illegal alien.

After hearing this, Seo Jang-hoon asked "Why are you talking about that?" It is a big problem to secretly talk about others behind their backs. Think again, how short and squishy I am..." he said. Lee Soo-geun supported the couple, saying, `How good is the Turkiye that you come, if this is not love, what is it?'

The writer said "Both sons like and follow their boyfriends well." In response, Lee Soo-geun asked "Are you going to get married or did you propose?" and the boyfriend proposed "Yes, I proposed with my friends at a cafe."," he replied.

To the two, Lee Soo-geun said, "I hope you are happy like now."```You should be careful of both. "Decide carefully on your future life", followed by a request to your boyfriend to take good care of the sender, saying "Please be good to me".

Meanwhile, 'Ask Me Anything' airs every Monday at 8:30 p.m. on KBS Joy.