Ulsan Hyundai Mobis, Seoul Samsung 8179 and 3 consecutive wins + 1st place jump alone

Dec 19, 2024

Ulsan Hyundai Mobis, Seoul Samsung 8179 and 3 consecutive wins  1st place jump alone

Ulsan Hyundai Mobis, Seoul Samsung 8179 and 3 consecutive wins  1st place jump alone
Ulsan Hyundai Mobis caught Samsung in Seoul and jumped to first place alone.

Ulsan Hyundai Mobis, led by head coach Cho Dong-hyun, won 81-79 in the home game of the "2024-2025 KCC Professional Basketball" against Seoul Samsung held at Ulsan Dongcheon Gymnasium on the 19th. Hyundai Mobis (14 wins and 5 losses) has won three consecutive games. He jumped to No. 1 by beating out SK (13 wins and 5 losses) in Seoul. On the other hand, Samsung (6 wins and 13 losses) has lost two consecutive games. He sat at the bottom of the table with Goyang Sono.

They were two teams with a very different atmosphere. Hyundai Mobis was competing for the lead in a row. On the other hand, Samsung was putting all its energy into escaping the lower ranks. However, difficulties were expected due to Lee Won-seok's injury departure.

The game has begun. Samsung showed off its hot fingertips. Choi Sung-mo and Cha Min-seok alternately opened the scoring to lead the attack. Hyundai Mobis had a hard time when Jang Jae-seok was caught in a foul trap in the early hours. However, Ham Ji-hoon took the center stage with his seasoned game management. Samsung took a 47-46, close lead.

In the third quarter, Hyundai Mobis' Seo Myung-jin and Shin Min-seok scored three-point shots in succession to accumulate points. Samsung chased after Justin Gutang and Marcus Derrickson by scoring. The seesaw game was played. Hyundai Mobis led 64-62.

The final quarter of fate has begun. It was tight. Hyundai Mobis showed its concentration first. He used a gauge rim to dig under the opponent's goal. The score gap widened to 77-69 with 3:37 left in the game. In a hurry, Samsung called in the operation time to clear up its battle lines. Samsung chased Choi Sung-mo's 3-pointer. This time, Hyundai Mobis used the operation time. However, Hyundai Mobis gave up a chance to the opponent without scoring a goal. In a fierce game, Hyundai Mobis showed its background. He grabbed a valuable rebound just before the end of the game. On top of that, Seo Myung-jin calmly succeeded in free throws to end the victory.

Meanwhile, Wonju DB defeated Anyang Jeonggwanjang 74-57 at home. DB (9 wins and 10 losses) has won three games in a row. He came in sixth place alone. Jeong Kwan-jang (7 wins and 12 losses) failed to continue his winning streak.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.