0.444 batting average doesn't mean anything? Pittsburgh's Bae Ji-hwan is excluded from the exhibition game against Boston. I'm behind my rival again

Mar 22, 2025

0.444 batting average doesn't mean anything? Pittsburgh's Bae Ji-hwan is excluded from the exhibition game against Boston. I'm behind my rival again
AFP Yonhap News

'Is batting average 0.444 really meaningless?'

Bae Ji-hwan (26, Pittsburgh Pirates) is unlikely to enter the Major League's opening roster. Although he ranks first in the team's batting average (0.444) and most hits (16) during the 2025 Major League Baseball (MLB) exhibition game, local media evaluated that it is not easy to take the spot as an outfield backup. The conclusion is that Jack Swinsky (27) is better than Bae Ji-hwan.

In addition, as if to prove such an evaluation, Bae Ji-hwan was excluded from the 2025 MLB trial game against the Boston Red Sox at JetBlue Park in Fort Myers, Florida on the 22nd (Korea time). Instead, competitor Swinsky was listed in the lineup as center field No. 8.

In the exhibition game, the difference in meaning between starting and replacing is actually not very large. Depending on the situation of the game, you can go as a substitute in the middle. Bae Ji-hwan also has nine starts and eight substitutes in a total of 17 games before Boston. In the last eight games, the starting and replacing were the same with four games side by side.

0.444 batting average doesn't mean anything? Pittsburgh's Bae Ji-hwan is excluded from the exhibition game against Boston. I'm behind my rival again
Pittsburgh Jack Swinsky. AP Yonhap News
However, given that the exhibition game is now nearing its end, the meaning of the exclusion from starting against Boston must be reevaluated. Now is the time when the starting lineup is really organized around the players who are entering the opening entry. Moreover, the starting lineup was decided after local local reverse media reported on Pittsburgh's concerns about its opening entry. Therefore, Swinsky's decision to start and Bae Ji-hwan's wait for backup are quite meaningful.

In this regard, Pittsburgh's local media 'Pittsburgh Baseball Now' reported on the composition of Pittsburgh's opening roster on the 21st and mentioned the backup outfielder sector. Pittsburgh is likely to include 13 pitchers and 13 fielders, including catchers, in its opening entry. The 13 usually consist of two catcher agents (main game, backup), seven infield agents (main game 4, backup 3) and four outfield agents (main game 3, backup 1).

There is only one field in which Bae Ji-hwan is seeking to enter the opening entry. Bae Ji-hwan is now only in charge of outfield defense in Pittsburgh. All of the exhibition games were played only as outfielders.

However, Pittsburgh's main outfield slot has already been filled with Tommy Pham (left), O'Neill Cruz (middle), and Brian Reynolds (right). In the end, he has to challenge for the opening entry as a backup outfielder. Bae Ji-hwan, Swinsky, and Joshua Palacios are the only candidates seeking this position through exhibition games, but in reality, it is a two-way race between Bae Ji-hwan and Swinsky.

0.444 batting average doesn't mean anything? Pittsburgh's Bae Ji-hwan is excluded from the exhibition game against Boston. I'm behind my rival again
0.444 batting average doesn't mean anything? Pittsburgh's Bae Ji-hwan is excluded from the exhibition game against Boston. I'm behind my rival again
Pittsburgh Baseball Now' also mentioned that Bae Ji-hwan and Swinsky are competing for a spot as the opening entry outfield backup. According to the media, "Both of them deserve to be included in the opening roster if you look at their achievements in the spring camp. However, given the expected roster composition so far, it is highly likely that only one will survive on the opening roster, he said, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the two players.

First, compared to Bae Ji-hwan, Swinsky has good slugging power and on-base ability. However, the overall batting average is only 0.207 and the strikeout rate is also high. "The defense is weak as well," he said of Bae Ji-hwan. "Speed is an advantage, and sprint speed is also among the top in the league. Another advantage is that it can be used in a more diverse way in defense. Not only the outfield but also the second base is possible. However, in order to utilize the speed, we need to get on base first, but MLB has not yet shown enough on-base ability" he analyzed.

0.444 batting average doesn't mean anything? Pittsburgh's Bae Ji-hwan is excluded from the exhibition game against Boston. I'm behind my rival again
In summary, it can be divided into 'Swinsky' of long hitting and on-base percentage vs.'Badhwan' of speed and defense area. Although it is difficult to decide immediately, the media concluded. `It will not be easy for Pittsburgh to send Bae Ji-hwan, who made an achievement in the exhibition game, to the minor leagues, but he will eventually choose Swinsky, who has great potential at the plate,' he predicted.

Swinsky has hit double-digit homers (19 in 2022 and 26 in 2023) in the major leagues for the second consecutive year. have the ability to hit with a single bullet. It is an attractive indicator as a substitute in the second half of the game. Bae Ji-hwan can be a pinch runner, but it is likely to be used less than a pinch runner.

If Swinsky's start is retained in the remaining three exhibition games, Bae may have to prepare for a minor league trip. Attention is focusing on whether Bae Ji-hwan will create a reversal in an unfavorable atmosphere.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.