Additional RBI Bae Ji-hwan, confirmed opening roster, LF→CF position from leadoff to bottom batting order is also horizontal

Mar 10, 2025

Additional RBI Bae Ji-hwan, confirmed opening roster, LF→CF position from leadoff to bottom batting order is also horizontal
Pitzburg Pirates badges. ImagesYonhap News

Pittsburgh Pirates Bae Ji-hwan continued his presence with an RBI.

Bae Ji-hwan played as a substitute in an away exhibition game against the Detroit Tigers at Lakeland Publix Field in Florida on the 10th (Korea time) and marked an 0-for-3 RBI. Pittsburgh lost 3-5.

Bae Ji-hwan played in left field after Tommy Pham in defense at the bottom of the third inning, trailing 2-1. The RBI came out in the top of the fourth inning after turning the game around 2-5 in the bottom of the third inning.

Pittsburgh followed with a 3-5 run when Bae Ji-hwan grounded out to first base in a bases-loaded chance with a walk by Reover Peguiero, Bryce Johnson's left-handed hit and Enmanuel Valdez.

Bae Ji-hwan pulled a 79.4-mile sweeper that fell low outside left-hander Tyler Holton's fourth pitch on the ball count 1B2S and connected it to a slow-flowing ball. However, Pittsburgh failed to score additional points by hitting a ground ball to the second base with two outs and runners on the second and third bases.

Additional RBI Bae Ji-hwan, confirmed opening roster, LF→CF position from leadoff to bottom batting order is also horizontal
Pittsburgh Pirates Bae Ji-hwan hit an RBI single against the Detroit Tigers on the 10th (Korea time). AP Yonhap News
He struck out three pitches in his second at-bat in the sixth inning, trailing 3-5. Bae Ji-hwan, who entered the batter's box with two outs and runners on second base, misled his bat on right-hander John Brevia's changeup 90.7 miles high on the third pitch in the two strikes.

Bae Ji-hwan moved from left field to center field during the defense in the bottom of the sixth inning.

In the final at-bat of the ninth inning, he grounded out to second base. In one ball, he hit right-hander Tyler Owens' sinker in the middle of 94.5 miles, but he was blocked by second baseman.

With this, Bae Ji-hwan marked a batting average of 0.500 (8 hits in 16 at-bats), one home run, two RBIs, four runs, one walk, three strikeouts, two steals, and an OPS of 1.279 in eight spring training games.

Bae Ji-hwan has been in the best condition in exhibition games since his Major League debut. In addition to entering the opening roster, the possibility of starting the opening game is also increasing. Bae Ji-hwan has started in five games so far, and in three games, he has played as a substitute in defense. Positions are also used evenly in left and center field, and batting order is also diverse, including leadoffs, 7, 8, and 9. This means that the value of use in airlift is high.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.