Even if there is no hit, he is desperate for a hard hit. Kim Hye-sung has only two ground balls with a 0.143 batting average, and passes the second cutoff for now
Mar 07, 2025
Kim Hye-sung played as a substitute in a home game against the Texas Rangers at Glendale Camelback Ranch in Arizona on the 7th (Korea time) and recorded no hits in 2 at-bats. The Dodgers won 8-4 with 13 hits, including three homers.
Kim Hye-sung played as a substitute for the ninth shortstop in the top of the sixth inning with a 4-2 lead. However, he entered the batter's box twice and all of them were retired by a mistake.
The Dodgers widened the gap to 6-2 with Tommy Edman's two-run homer with one out and one on the first base in the bottom of the sixth inning with a 4-2 lead. Kim Hye-sung then entered the batter's box for the first time.
He vigorously pulled a slider in the middle of the 85.2 miles on the sixth pitch in 1B2S against left-hander Walter Pennington, but it became an ordinary ground ball in front of first baseman. Pitcher Pennington entered the base cover.
In the second at-bat in the seventh inning with an 8-4 lead, he hit another ground ball to the first base with the runner on the first and second bases after two outs. He was in a full-count battle with the changed right-hander Peyton Gray, but his 82.9-mile-low changeup flowed toward the first baseman. In this exhibition game, he recorded one hit in nine at-bats in scoring position.
The speed of Kim Hye-sung's balls was 68.9 miles and 88.8 miles, respectively, which was far from the hard hit (over 95 miles).
Kim Hye-sung appeared to be in the mood by playing as a substitute against the Los Angeles Angels the previous day and hitting an infield hit in the ninth inning, but he also seemed to have a hard time adjusting to the new batting form.
As a result, Kim Hye-sung marked a batting average of 0.143 (3 hits in 21 at-bats) in 10 spring training games, one home run, one RBI, three runs, three walks, eight strikeouts, and an OPS of 0.536.
Meanwhile, the Dodgers sent five players, including catchers Griffin Lockwood-Powell and Chris Ok, infielders Alex Freeland, Austin Godier and Cody Hawes, to the minor league camp. Now there are 52 players left in the Major League camp, and Kim Hye-sung passed the first and second cutoffs.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.