K, a former baseball player who ruined his career by habitually driving under the influence of alcohol, is expected to be a huge hit with the idea of selling content
Mar 25, 2025
repeat drunk driving, hit-and-runs, and false statements K (38), a former baseball player-turned-tuber who ruined his major league career, is drawing attention with his amazing content ideas.
It is the so-called 'Last Dance Challenge MLB Tryout Episode 1'. The content is about a former baseball player in his late 30s, six years after he quit his career in the 2019 season, who will challenge the Major League tryout by building his body through training from now on.
There is no question of truth. This is because it is content that is close to 'YouTuber Entertainment', not 'baseball man documentary'. In that sense, it is a very interesting project.
First of all, there are elements that YouTube viewers will fall into. It is filled with elements that can stimulate viewers' emotions, such as 're-challenge' that begins in their late 30s, 're-judgment by fan support', 'more important process than success or failure'the next series that continues'.
It is a statement that contains essential elements of the box office of the planned contents of a typical YouTube channel. By the time the series pilot episode has been released, a big hit is already expected. There is a high possibility that K city's YouTube channel will also be 'Tteok-sang'.
In fact, however, if you are any interested in baseball, you will quickly see how futile and deceptive the project is.
K, who only played for two seasons (2015 and 2016) as the main player of the small market drug team during his active career, effectively ended his career by committing a drunk hit-and-run accident in December 2016.
Mr. K, who had already had a history of drunk driving twice (2009, 2011), ended his major league career, which could shine even more with this incident. Immediately after this incident, I apologize to the fans and will repay them with the famous baseball" is the one who left the words. Since then, this word has become solid like a meme, so it can be said that it has already revealed its qualities as a 'future YouTuber'.
In any case, the prosecution briefly prosecuted K's third drinking case with a fine of 15 million won. It's a common practice, but the court didn't accept it. He had already driven under the influence of alcohol three times, and in the third case, he handed it over to a formal trial, saying that the nature of the crime was very bad, such as inaction (hit-and-run) and attempt to change the driver.
In the end, K was released with a poor batting average of 0.169 in 65 games in the 2019 season. After that, he returned to Korea and tried to return to the KBO League twice in 2020 and 2022. However, he was not allowed to return to the game due to three drunk driving experiences, and he ended his career as a player.
Since then, K has made a living through YouTube broadcasts and baseball lessons. I have baseball-related work as a career, but it's been a long time since I've been away from active life. Moreover, Major League Baseball is the best stage in the world. It is not a stage where a former player in his late 30s, six years after retiring, can train for YouTube content.
Of course, there is no such thing as a limit on the tryout itself. Anyone can apply for now.
The content that is plausiblely packaged with the "former major leaguer, indomitable re-challenge" will be continuously serialized until early next year, the time of the tryout.→ Along the way, various interesting factors such as injuries, frustrations, and overcoming are inserted, and former and current baseball players are featured to arouse interest.→ Insert elements of compassion, such as human thoughts or reflection on past mistakes (drinking and driving). → Apply for a tryout, and leave with excitement to take the test.
Basically, so far, content configurations that can automatically induce interest can come out. If you are eliminated based on the result, you can create follow-up content accordingly. 'Trying again at 40' is also possible. If you pass the tryout with a miraculous probability and are invited to camp, that can also be the starting point of the big hit content. Either way, Mr. K has nothing to lose.
However, one concern is that this content should not be made or accepted as a serious 'documentary'. It will be appropriate if it is made into sports entertainment content such as 'strongest baseball' in accordance with the original purpose of production, and consumed by viewers. Rather than taking baseball fans and K-C YouTube subscribers unnecessarily seriously, it would be appropriate to consider 'different entertainment'.
Anyway, it does not happen in reality for K to return to active duty, especially in the Major League.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.