171kg YouTuber Loses 113kg in 7 Months → "I Was Cheating People" Surprise reveal of what we've been up to

Sep 09, 2024

171kg YouTuber Loses 113kg in 7 Months → 'I Was Cheating People' Surprise reveal of what we've been up to

The YouTuber 'Eating Show', who has 4 million subscribers, has lost 113kg from 171kg in seven months, drawing attention.

According to the New York Post on the 8th (local time), YouTuber 'Nicocado Avocado' (Nicolas Perry), who has more than 4.18 million subscribers, released a return video on his channel on the 7th. It has been seven months since the last video was posted on February 6.

The video of Nicocado avocado's surprising update exceeded 20 million views in one day.

"Losing 250 pounds (about 113 kg) in weight"Nicocado avocado who revealed "I'm always two steps ahead. This was the greatest social experiment of my life."

In the meantime, he revealed a shocking fact. He said he hadn't filmed a new mukbang video since two years ago. He said he uploaded the pre-recorded video up to seven months ago and that he had been on a healthy diet for two years without filming a new video. It is explained that they have been trying to lose weight long before February this year, when they announced the suspension of their activities.

Nicocado Avocado observed that "unstable and confused beings (netizen) roam the internet, looking for stories, ideas, rivals, encouraging and engaging."It's both worrying and attractive at the same time."

He said "In seven years of producing mukbang videos, communicating with fans felt like 'monitoring ants on an ant farm." "People consume whatever they give them to consume," he continued.

He said "I'm a villain. Because I made myself do it. "And you're going to continue to consume stories about me like this." Then "This is a story that permeates the minds of ants and lasts a long time. It affects ants and brainwashes ants." He added "You're the ant."

Nicocado avocado "I woke up from a very long dream today, losing 250 pounds"Until yesterday, people called me a fat, unhealthy, boring person. Man is the most messed up creature on Earth."
