'Marriage next year' Kim Ji-min ♥ Kim Jun-ho, have you already picked your newlywed house..."House will be later" ('I know what it is.')

Nov 30, 2024

'Marriage next year' Kim Ji-min ♥ Kim Jun-ho, have you already picked your newlywed house...'House will be later' ('I know what it is.')

Comedian Kim Ji-min went on a trip to the East Sea with her lover Kim Jun-ho.

Kim Ji-min showed off her affection for Kim Jun-ho on the YouTube channel 'I know because I feel it' on the 28th.

On this day, Kim Ji-min went on a trip with her lover Kim Jun-ho. Upon arriving at the train station, Kim Jun-ho showed extraordinary affection for Kim Ji-min, saying, "Oh, it's so pretty." and automatically elevated the corners of the mouth of those who gently put their arms around her.

Kim Ji-min and Kim Jun-ho, who arrived in the East Sea by train, started their first used transaction looking tense. The two people, who traded used one-touch tents, happily colored the trading site with a friendly look when the seller was surprised at them.

Kim Ji-min and Kim Jun-ho then set up a tent at home and entered it and released their chemistry to the fullest. When his dog tried to kiss Kim Jun-ho's mouth, he looked at Kim Ji-min with affection, saying, `It's not the lips I'm trying to kiss you on.' In response, Kim Ji-min said it was insidious, causing laughter.

'Marriage next year' Kim Ji-min ♥ Kim Jun-ho, have you already picked your newlywed house...'House will be later' ('I know what it is.')
In addition, the two of them drank together and fed snacks, creating excitement in the appearance of a non-obscene lover. Kim Ji-min said to Kim Jun-ho, "Do you want to live in a house? Do you want to live in an apartment?He asked the question ", and Kim Jun-ho answered "Housing is good for you and me to live in old age later".

Finally, Kim Ji-min drew laughter by lip-syncing the song 'Love Alone' realistically. Kim Jun-ho sleeping next to him also made viewers laugh. When Kim Ji-min finished lip-syncing, Kim Jun-ho showed his belly and was immersed in it, singing "Star is losing", and the two's witty gag power gave a lot of fun.

On the other hand, Kim Ji-min's daily life, fully equipped with various charms, can be found in 'Because I feel it', which is released every Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m.
