Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family died due to the spread of false information...Legal Response to Kim Soo-hyun (Roundup)

Mar 17, 2025

 Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family died due to the spread of false information...Legal Response to Kim Soo-hyun (Roundup)
Attorneys for the bereaved family of Kim Sae-ron held a press conference to sue YouTuber A

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Sung-min = Boo Boo-jin, a lawyer for the bereaved family of Kim Sae-ron, is holding a press conference to sue YouTuber A in front of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on the 17th. From left, Kwon Young-chan, director of the Korea Celebrity Suicide Prevention Association, Deputy Attorney, and Kim Se-eui's Horizontal Sero Research Institute. 2025.3.17

The bereaved family of the late Kim Sae-ron claimed that YouTuber A circulated false information and drove Kim Sae-ron to make an extreme choice.

Bu-seok, a lawyer for the bereaved family's legal representative, filed a complaint against A at 2 p.m. on the 17th to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency accusing him of defamation by false facts. Prior to this, he held a press conference in front of the National Police Agency's civil service office with Professor Kwon Young-chan and Kim Se-eui, the operator of YouTube's Horizontal and Vertical Research Institute (Gase-yeon), explaining the reason for suing A.

Since 2022, the bereaved family has claimed that A posted several malicious and false videos related to the deceased on his YouTube channel. At the press conference on the same day, lawyer Boo also said "We hope that the fact that the deceased's death has a causal relationship with the spread of false information by YouTuber A will be reflected as much as possible and that severe punishment will be carried out."

He also denied the relationship between the deceased and Kim Soo-hyun's past lover, although he did not know who Mr. A was ordered by. Furthermore, he spread false information so that the deceased could be seen as a strange woman. He claimed that he had no choice but to make extreme choices and drove the deceased to suffer from severe mental pain.

He also mentioned the recent release of photos taken when the deceased was in a relationship with Kim Soo-hyun through Se-yeon. Lawyer Boo said "Please understand that the bereaved had no choice but to disclose their relationship with Kim Soo-hyun to prove A's falsehood, and that they had no choice but to disclose photos of their past relationship."

After the death of the deceased, Mr. A is deleting past videos. This constitutes a clear destruction of evidence, so we urge seizure and search and arrest investigation."

 Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family died due to the spread of false information...Legal Response to Kim Soo-hyun (Roundup)
Lawyers for the bereaved family of Kim Sae-ron held a press conference for YouTuber A

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Sung-min = Boo Boo Boo-jin, CEO of the law firm of Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family, speaks at a press conference in front of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on the 17th. From left, Kwon Young-chan, director of the Korea Celebrity Suicide Prevention Association, and Deputy Attorney. 2025.3.17


Kim Soo-hyun also demanded an apology. He urged Kim Soo-hyun to admit that he had dated the deceased for six years since he was a minor and to apologize publicly. Kim Soo-hyun, an agency gold medalist who has denied dating Kim Sae-ron, said on the 14th that he had never dated Kim Sae-ron when he was a minor, and he dated from the summer of 2019 to the fall of 2020 after he became an adult.

Lawyer Boo said "At first, the bereaved family wanted Kim Soo-hyun to admit that they were in a relationship to prove the falsehood of Lee Jin-ho YouTuber, but repeated false statements from Kim Soo-hyun made it even more difficult for the bereaved family. Therefore, I hope you will make a sincere apology even now. He demanded an apology.

At the same time, Kim Soo-hyun also announced that he sent the second proof of contents to the deceased. Earlier, Kim Soo-hyun explained that sending the proof of contents to the deceased did not pressure repayment, but feared that the company's executives would be guilty of breach of duty. It was a legal procedure to confirm that the deceased had no ability to repay the debt.

In this regard, the bereaved family said at the time that there was no explanation that they sent proof of contents out of fear of breach of trust, and Kim Soo-hyun opposed it, saying that he avoided contact with Kim Sae-ron. However, it is newly known that Kim Soo-hyun sent Kim Sae-ron a second proof of content.

Lawyer Boo said "Kim Soo-hyun did not contact Kim Soo-hyun when the deceased texted Kim Soo-hyun to save him after his agency sent him the first proof of contents." Instead, the agency sent the second proof of contents to the deceased"

The 2nd proof of contents states that contrary to the recent statement made by Kim Soo-hyun, he had no choice but to send it due to acts such as breach of trust, but in fact, it was to give the deceased a period of time, so that the debt must be paid"It was also a threat to take legal action for posting photos, not to contact Kim Soo-hyun and actors of the agency directly."

In fact, there has been no contact from Kim Soo-hyun since the second proof of content, and he has not been able to contact other actors of Kim Soo-hyun's agency", and expressed regret, saying, "'It is difficult to even guess how much mental pain the deceased must have suffered after receiving such proof of content during his lifetime.'

It also announced legal action against Kim Soo-hyun. "It is hard to understand why we are waiting for the bereaved family's contact with an open statement at this time," lawyer Boo said. "We are considering legal action against Kim Soo-hyun in the future."

 Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family died due to the spread of false information...Legal Response to Kim Soo-hyun (Roundup)
Lawyers for Kim Sae-ron's bereaved family submitting a complaint

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Sung-min = Kwon Young-chan, director of the Korean Celebrity Suicide Prevention Association, Boo Boo-suk, a lawyer at a law firm, and Kim Se-eui, CEO of Garosero Research Institute, are receiving complaints after a press conference in front of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on the 17th. 2025.3.17


Professor Kwon "A called Kim Sae-ron's father twice during Kim Sae-ron's funeral. 'I'm sorry, father, but I don't think it's Mr. Saeron's grave. He told me to let him know. Shouldn't you at least ask after you pay the prize. Is that important in mourning?" he criticized A.

What was reported through Se-yeon was "Why did you contact Se-yeon, but the media did not report it. Rather, Mr. A called the theory that Kim Sae-ron and Kim Soo-hyun were dating 'factually groundless'. Entertainment reporter B also reported on the rumor of Kim Sae-ron's hol-dumba sighting.

In addition, Kim Soo-hyun's recent position that Kim Sae-ron has been dating since he became an adult was "Kim Soo-hyun said he did not originally go out with Kim Sae-ron, but he admitted recently." But he said he has been dating since he became an adult," he said, pointing out Kim Soo-hyun's reversal of position.

Kim Se-eui also "Why did you have to bully Kim Sae-ron who had no power?" They threatened Kim Sae-ron until the end with the second proof of content. The gold medalist said, `I didn't intend to receive money from Kim Sae-ron, I did it procedurally because of concerns about breach of trust,' but he asked for the most expensive LKB law firm.