AI infringes on creator rights and threatens survival rights...More than 420 Hollywood actors and others open letter to government against deregulation

Mar 19, 2025

AI infringes on creator rights and threatens survival rights...More than 420 Hollywood actors and others open letter to government against deregulation
 ◇벤 스틸러. AFP Yonhap News

About 420 industry officials, including famous Hollywood actors and directors, delivered their opinions to the Donald Trump administration against easing regulations on artificial intelligence (AI) related copyright laws.

According to CBS News on the 18th (local time), Bette Midler, Ben Stiller, Paul Simon, Mark Ruffalo, and Cate Blanchett, led by actors Natasha Lyon, recently sent a letter to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy urging the government to maintain existing copyright laws applied to AI.

Recently, ChatGPT developers OpenAI and Google recently recommended that the government completely abolish copyright protection and existing regulations for AI training, which they argue would damage the creative industry by relaxing copyright laws for AI learning. Generative AI is concerned that it will infringe on the rights of creators and threaten their right to live by using existing films and artworks to produce similar content.

They wrote in the letter that `The U.S. entertainment industry creates more than 2.3 million jobs and pays more than $229 billion (about W304 trillion) in annual wages"AI companies are trying to create billions of dollars in corporate value by weakening copyright protections for movies, TV series, artworks, literature, music and voices used to train AI models." he criticized.

Meanwhile, the list of people who signed open letters continues to grow, and it is reported that additional signatures are being received even after the official deadline requested from the government.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.