All-out response to fine dust in March...What is the right way to use a health mask?
Mar 06, 2025
The average monthly ultrafine dust concentration from 2015 to last year is 24.0㎍/㎥ in December, 26.1㎍/㎥ in January, 26.0㎍/㎥ in February, and 26.8㎍/㎥ in March. In the case of 'bad' days with an average daily concentration of 36㎍/㎥ or more, December is 6, January and February are 7 days, and March is 8 days, respectively.
While the fine dust seasonal management system is in effect from December to March, the number of public coal-fired generators that will be suspended will be expanded from 15 to 28 (tentative) in March as an additional measure, and the government will restrict the use of old construction machines at construction sites ordered by public institutions and focus on ventilation and air purification facilities such as underground stations and special inspections. It will also conduct intensive crackdowns on driving vehicle emissions and idling.
In the midst of such fine dust responses, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety guided the correct use and precautions for the use of 'KF (Korea Filter) Health Mask', which is frequently used in spring when yellow dust and fine dust occur frequently.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety reviews and approves performance evaluation data for masks such as dust collection efficiency to confirm the particle blocking performance of health masks.
Depending on the particle blocking performance, KF80, KF94, and KF99 can filter out more than 80% of fine particles with an average size of 0.6 μm, and KF94 and KF99 can filter out more than 94% and 99% of fine particles with an average size of 0.4 μm, respectively.
The larger the number behind KF, the greater the effect of blocking fine particles, but it may be difficult or uncomfortable to breathe, so an appropriate product should be selected in consideration of the level of generation of particulate harmful substances and the amount of respiration for each individual.
When wearing a mask, wear it to completely cover your nose and mouth, make sure there are no gaps, and wear it to make sure it is completely close to your face. If you use it after putting on a towel or tissue, the adhesion may decrease and the effect of blocking fine particles may decrease, so be careful. In particular, masks are not recommended to be washed and used because they cannot maintain performance such as blocking fine particles when washed, and used products are likely to be contaminated by dust or germs, so it is not recommended to reuse them.
In addition, when purchasing a health mask, it must be purchased after confirming that it is a product licensed (reported) to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety or marking 'drugs', 'KF' on the product container or packaging.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.