High school textbook Dokdo claims Japanese territory...Professor Seo Kyung-duk crossed the line

Mar 26, 2025

It has been confirmed that many social studies textbooks to be used by Japanese high school students from next spring have reflected the forced claim that 'Dokdo is Japanese territory'.

According to Japan's Jiji News Agency on the 25th, Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology held a general meeting of the Textbook Inspection Review Council on the same day and confirmed the results of the review of textbooks to be used by front-line high schools from 2026.

The social studies textbooks that passed the examination include 7 types of geography (comprehensive), 11 types of history, 12 types of public, and 1 type of political and economic. Public 共 refers to subjects related to social systems, politics, economy, etc. Most of the new high school social studies textbooks carry the Japanese government's view of claiming Dokdo as if the textbooks were passed four years ago and are currently being used.

The media reported that both geographic, historical, and public textbooks dealt with Dokdo, and introduced that there were cases where the description 'Japan's own territory' was added after verification.

In response, Sungshin Women's University Professor Seo Kyung-duk said, `It's like making unreasonable claims about Dokdo from elementary and middle school textbooks to high school textbooks.'" he criticized. In particular, Professor Seo stressed that `We should also teach students by describing in detail how to logically refute Japan's deterrence claim in elementary, middle and high school textbooks.' It will also be important to complete the Ulleungdo Airport as soon as possible to expand opportunities for elementary, middle and high school students to visit Dokdo in person, strengthening effective control, he added.

He also said "This should serve as an opportunity for us to reorganize our Dokdo strategy again."

High school textbook Dokdo claims Japanese territory...Professor Seo Kyung-duk crossed the line
In elementary school textbooks approved by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, it is marked as 'Dokdo is Japanese land'

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.