If the purple LED light shines on the apple, it will slow down the browning
Mar 12, 2025
A research team at Shenyang Agricultural University in China recently published a paper titled 『The Effect of Purple LED Lights』 in the international journal 『Horticultural Research』.
The research team compared apples pinched with 700 lux purple LED lights for four days and apples left untouched.
As a result, the neglected apples turned brown, but the LED light-treated apples maintained some freshness.
The research team explained that "Purple LED treatment has been shown to promote the accumulation of antioxidant-rich compounds and at the same time block the activity of oxidative enzymes that cause color change, thereby reducing browning.'
Dr. Ade Wang of Shenyang Agricultural University said "This study opens up interesting possibilities for the food industry. Understanding how purple LED lighting and specific transcription factors work together to prevent browning has provided an opportunity to develop a more effective and greener way to extend the shelf life of cut fruits without relying on chemicals."
The team also expected that the technology could be easily integrated into the existing food processing industry, reducing food waste and improving browning of other commonly cut fruits such as pears, melons, and pineapples.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.