Women who have sex less than once a week have a 70% higher risk of death within five years

Mar 10, 2025

Women who have sex less than once a week have a 70% higher risk of death within five years
data photo source=Pixabay

There is a study that women have to have sex often in order to live a long time.

A research team at Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, published a paper on the mortality rate between depression and sex frequency in the Journal of Psychosexual Health.

The researchers tracked the data of about 14,4542 adults aged 20 to 59 until 2015 to analyze the frequency of sexual intercourse and the association of death from all causes.

The researchers investigated the association of participants' mortality, depression, frequency of sexual intercourse over the past 12 months, and obesity.

As a result, women who had sex less than once a week had a 70% higher risk of dying within 5 years.

Participants with low sex frequency in cases of depression were 197% more likely to die than women who had sex about once a week.

The researchers also found that lower sex frequencies in diverse population groups could lead to a threefold increase in overall mortality"This suggests that sex plays an important role in overall cardiovascular health by reducing heart rate variability and increasing blood flow..." he explained.

However, when limited to those who had sex more than once a week, the association between the frequency of sexual intercourse and the risk of death was low.

Professor Srikanta Banerjee, who led the study, explained "People who suffer from depression, but with high sexual frequency, do not feel much of the detrimental effects of depression."

In the end, it was analyzed that sexual intercourse helps relieve psychological depression and has a positive effect on cardiovascular health.

Meanwhile, about 95% of women in the study had sex more than 12 times a year, and 38% had sex more than once a week.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.