SHINee's autographed album is found in Dongmyo, shocked key "Am I vintage?"('I'm confused')

Aug 30, 2024

SHINee's autographed album is found in Dongmyo, shocked key 'Am I vintage?'('I'm confused')
Photo courtesy=MBC

Shiny Key was spotted in Dongmyo, a retro heaven, and caused a pupil earthquake, raising questions about what happened.

MBC 'I Live Alone', which will be broadcast on the 30th, will show the height wet with Y2K sensibility exploring the sacred place of retro.

Determined to decorate the secret room that has been left unattended for three years with a retro concept, Key visits Dongmyo, the sacred place of retro. Entering Dongmyo, which is filled with signs and all kinds of vintage items that show traces of time, it seems like it came to the past. "Isn't it a different world?Key is amazed, saying ". Expectations are high for the retro shrine tour that brings back memories of 'Y2Key'.

Key enters a store driven by the phrase 'Everyone buys and sells'. Buying camcorders and digital cameras in the early 2000s. In Dongmyo Retro Heaven, where nothing is missing, he is glad to find a so-called 'Hwang Jo-George (Hwang Jung-min + Cho Seung-woo + Ji Jin-hee) camera'.

SHINee's autographed album is found in Dongmyo, shocked key 'Am I vintage?'('I'm confused')
Photo courtesy=MBC
Also, Key found an unexpected SHINee signed album in a place where various CDs, cassette tapes, and DVDs were displayed, and "Am I vintage?"I'm embarrassed. The height is "How much is this?"Asking carefully about the price, expectations are high on how the key who checked the price would react.

Key, who purchased vintage items full of his hands in Dongmyo, looks around the market like a `New Market Prince' and sits on a chair on the street in front of a food stall and enjoys a short break with cold coffee and a donut set.

On the other hand, even vintage TVs and video players 'get it'key returns to his 'secret room' and tries to summon memories in earnest by playing his favorite movie video tape. Attention is focusing on whether he will be able to watch his favorite movie with Y2K sensibility.

Key's appearance on a trip to Dongmyo, a retro holy site, will be revealed on 'I Live Alone' broadcast at 11:10 p.m. on the 30th.

SHINee's autographed album is found in Dongmyo, shocked key 'Am I vintage?'('I'm confused')
Photo courtesy=MBC
SHINee's autographed album is found in Dongmyo, shocked key 'Am I vintage?'('I'm confused')
Photo courtesy=MBC