Who's HaHa? 'What do you do when you play?' Chuseok special, HaHa's formwork 子Dream appears ('What are you doing if you play?')

Sep 13, 2024

Who's HaHa? 'What do you do when you play?' Chuseok special, HaHa's formwork 子Dream appears ('What are you doing if you play?')

'What are you doing when you play?' The members' family and friends will be out to celebrate Chuseok.

MBC ', which will air on the 14th, 'What are you doing when you play?' is ' Chuseok Special Quiz Show! It's been a while since it's been a while since it's been a while. The members will put gifts on the line with family and friends, laugh, chat, and answer quizzes, showing fantastic chemistry.

In the midst of this, MC Yoo Jae-seok welcomes his family members who appeared in hanbok and raises expectations by starting a talk show.

First, Ha-ha and son Dream show off their fish-shaped appearance, as well as their 'father and son' talk. Yoo Jae-seok said to Dream, who made an unexpected revelation during a time to brag about his father "Is it okay if your mom finds out about this?", and Ha-ha and Dream make the scene exciting by continuing the revelation that the star will raise blood pressure when the star hears it.

Mi-Joo's real sister, who drew great attention at the time of her last appearance, also made a big appearance and attracted attention. Mi-Joo's biological sister, who appeared in a beautiful hanbok, showed off the real 'Greetings Free Pass Award' visuals, and talked about the episode that she appeared on "I watched more than 100 times."

'Pearl Sisters' My sister, who looks exactly like Park Jin-joo, also comes out with me and makes me happy. Unlike Mi-Joo, who gets anxious when her sister opens her mouth, Park Jin-joo draws attention by trying to open her sister's mouth. Yoo Jae-seok burst into laughter capturing the different charms of the sisters 'Okcheon goddesses' and 'Pearl sisters'.

In addition, Joo Woo-jae's acquaintance (?) who shared Joo Woo-jae's early days of broadcasting and Lee Yi-kyung's doppelgänger family appear to complete '5 Yi-kyung'. MBC 'What are you doing when you play?', which raises expectations by predicting a rich Chuseok special?' will air at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, the 14th.
