Lee Young-ja, ♥ Even a dangerous lobby for Hwang Dong-ju..Cast to the Jungwoo Ha.

Mar 22, 2025

Lee Young-ja, ♥ Even a dangerous lobby for Hwang Dong-ju..Cast to the Jungwoo Ha.

Lee Young-ja is crowned the queen of internal affairs.

The 339th episode of the MBC entertainment program 'Omniscient Interfere' (hereinafter 'Omniscient Interfere'), which airs at 11:10 p.m. on the 22nd, depicts a pleasant meeting between actors Jungwoo Ha, Park Byung-eun, Lee Dong-hwi and Lee Young-ja, Jeon Hyun-moo, and Hong Hyun-hee.

On this day, Jungwoo Ha, Park Byung-eun, and Lee Dong-hwi visit Lee Young-ja's Yumi House. Then, under the leadership of Lee Young-ja, he starts making dried persimmon rolls, which he tells the Jungwoo Ha who directed and acted in the movie `Robby' Director, please cast Hwang Dong-ju!It throws a surprise request that " devastates the site. It is said that not only the meddlers but also Hwang Dong-ju, who was watching, were surprised by the appearance of Lee Young-ja, who has already become the queen of the inner circle.

Lee Young-ja, ♥ Even a dangerous lobby for Hwang Dong-ju..Cast to the Jungwoo Ha.
The behind-the-scenes footage of the film 'Robbie', in which Jungwoo Ha acted as a director and actor, will be released. The Jungwoo Ha draws attention by candidly confiding not only the reason for casting the actors but also what he felt while working as a director. Then, Jungwoo Ha and Park Byung-eun, who are seniors and juniors in college, release steamed tiki-taka by unraveling episodes accumulated over 30 years, including audition stories during college.

In addition, they will openly confide in relationships and marriage views, attracting viewers' interest. In particular, Jeon Hyun-moo and Park Byung-eun, who were born in 1977, formed a consensus by talking about their parents, while their Jungwoo Ha wanted to get married within 3 years.surprise everyone with the bombshell " Attention is focused on the fact that talk about love continues and actors as well as Lee Young-ja give honest answers. Is there anyone you're dating? Attention is focusing on how Lee Young-ja will answer the question, "No?"

The scene of Yumi House's Mukobi, where pleasant chemistry exploded, can be seen on MBC 'Omniscient Interfere Point of View', which airs at 11:10 p.m. today (22nd).
