"Naraesik." Hwasa reveals secrets to the gym. "If you don't make noise, you'll make more people act."

Mar 06, 2025

'Naraesik.' Hwasa reveals secrets to the gym. 'If you don't make noise, you'll make more people act.'

Park Na-rae's YouTube channel 'Naraesik' had a hot talk with Han Hye-jin and Hwasa.

In the 24th episode of 'Naraesik' released on the 5th, "Can I date Yeo Eun-pa this year?The three gathered under the theme ". Han Hye-jin and Hwasa performed a pleasant atmosphere with Park Na-rae by showing the full group chemistry of 'Women's Secret Party' (hereinafter 'Yeo Eun-pa') for the first time in a long time.

In particular, in the last video, the three people's colorful words exploded and immediately exceeded 1 million views, raising fans' expectations, proving the power of the 「Trustable Combination」 in this episode as well.

On this day, Park Na-rae looked at Hwasa's solid body, who succeeded in dieting, and said, "He must be working out really hard. I'm feeling better." In response, Han Hye-jin also revealed Hwasa's athletic style, saying, `I didn't know I would work this hard.'

He said "Female celebrities are careful about getting attention at the gym, but at some point, Hwasa started making a 'Argh' sound. I think he decided not to look at other people's faces," he said, causing laughter.

In response to this, Hwasa "If the teacher doesn't make a sound, he makes me exercise harder. So I thought, "I can't do this."' I wanted to do some hard acting. Of course, there's sincerity" he explained, prompting laughter.
