Wow, RYUJI HYUK is 2.6 billion won! Then how much is grade C Seo Geon-chang.. The WAR is much higher

Dec 16, 2024

Wow, RYUJI HYUK is 2.6 billion won! Then how much is grade C Seo Geon-chang.. The WAR is much higher
3rd game of the Korean Series between KIA and Samsung at Daegu Samsung Lions Park on the 25th, and KIA Seo Geon-chang, with one out and runners on the first and second bases, is regretful as he steps down due to a double play in the top of the second inning. Daegu = Reporter Heo Sang-wook /2024.10.25/

Infield utility player Ryu Ji-hyuk won a total of 2.6 billion won in an FA contract. Seo Geon-chang, a C-grade infielder, is drawing attention to what kind of contract he will sign, although he is in a similar position to Ryu Ji-hyuk.

The Samsung Lions signed Ryu Ji-hyuk, an internal FA, on the 16th. Ryu Ji-hyuk signed a contract that could receive up to 2.6 billion won for four years. It is a condition of 300 million won in down payment, 1.7 billion won in four-year annual salary, and 600 million won in incentives for four years, according to the official announcement. It is a two billion won guarantee for four years.

This is news that Seo Geon-chang, who is still uncontracted, may be interested in. He is the same right-handed and left-handed infielder. It can play multiple positions and is similar in that it puts sophistication ahead of power in hitting.

However, Ryu Ji-hyuk was born in 1994. He is five years younger than Seo Geon-chang, who was born in 1989. In addition, Ryu Ji-hyuk can cover the entire diamond area except for the catcher. Shortstops on first base, second base, and third base are all available. Seo Geon-chang can take on first and second bases.

Instead, Seo Geon-chang is one-up in attack power. Seo Geon-chang also has a much higher contribution to victory (WAR) than replacement players based on statistics site Statistics. In the 2024 season of WAR, Ryu Ji-hyuk was only 0.09, but Seo Geon-chang complied with 1.51.

The temperature of the market toward the two was 180 degrees different. The ransom of a position player is determined by its aggressive power. The head of the team A said, `It is not common to pay a lot of money for being good at defense during the FA period.' This season, Ryu Ji-hyuk hit .258 with an on-base plus slugging percentage (OPS) of 0.666. Seo Geon-chang's batting average and OPS are .31 and .820, respectively. From this perspective, Ryu Ji-hyuk hit a jackpot.

Wow, RYUJI HYUK is 2.6 billion won! Then how much is grade C Seo Geon-chang.. The WAR is much higher
photo courtesy of Samsung Lions
Samsung said 'Ryu Ji-hyuk is a utility player who can play all infield positions, contributing to the Samsung Lions' rise in the 2024 season. Ryu Ji-hyuk is evaluated as having the ability to carry out operations essential to various team tactics. He also showed leadership in leading young players as a middle-aged member of the team.

On the other hand, the air surrounding the window is cold. He met with his original team KIA twice, but it was said that it was not a meaningful meeting where he exchanged specific conditions. Coincidentally, Seo Geon-chang's position became narrower as KIA selected Patrick Wisdom, the first baseman of the big guns, as a new foreign hitter.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.